Why Do Sports Chiropractor Near Me Use The Active Release Technique?

If you are a sports person, then injuries can be a common occurrence. You never know when you will slip on the ground, or a ball hits your knee, causing great pain and discomfort. Several things can be done to alleviate the knee pain, the simplest on field treatment and at home treatment is to apply ice to the affected area. The treatment procedure is dependent on the cause of injury, the pain, and diagnosis. Whether you fell from the bicycle or injured your knee playing soccer, ice and rest may help you only to a certain extent. If the pain is acute and your knee fails to recover, you may Google the term sports chiropractor near me to find someone who is trained in treating sports injuries and is close to you.

The causes of knee pain

Knee pain may not only be caused by sports injuries but it may also be due to knee overuse also. The knee has a certain load capacity which it can bear and if stressed beyond its physiologic limits can develop injury and left untreated can develop into osteoarthritis. The supporting structures around the knee such as hamstring muscles, quad muscles, knee ligaments and calves also have certain load capacity they can bear. If you put more load on the tissue than what it may bear, there will be pain and discomfort, resulting in sprains and strains.

The need for Active Release Technique

To increase the capacity of knee tissues and improve its strength, one needs to reduce the adhesions. By reducing the adhesions, you can get back to normal activities. A Sports Chiropractor may use Active Release Technique to do exactly this, along with manual or mechanical manipulation. Active Release Technique is a method adopted by chiropractors to boost the capacity of injured knee tissues. When compared other methods, active release technique is just one of the techniques that the chiropractor may employ. The technique targets the supporting musculature to release the adhesions in the muscles, he may also employ a massage therapist to do a similar technique such as trigger point therapy  to bring about relief to the injured area.

The treatment procedure

When you visit the sports chiropractor, he will examine the leg and the knee to find out which structure or structures are causing pain and discomfort. After a thorough examination he will prescribe a treatment plan for the injured. He may also treat the associated areas such as the back, hips, ankle or foot, if they are contributing factors to the biomechanical dysfunction that is causing the pain. As this dysfunction may place a role in the dynamics of the injury, causing unneeded stress or strain to the supporting structures.  The technique can also treat dysfunction relating to the foot or the hip. He will try his best to restore the proper biomechanics or correct your biomechanical function to alleviate the pain on the knees. It important to communicate with the chiropractor regarding your pain threshold, as it is different for different patients and treatment should be a pleasant experience.